AONB team response to Planning for the Future White Paper Consultation

On 6th August 2020 the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) published its Planning for the Future White Paper consultation.

The Planning White Paper is proposing a number of significant reforms to England’s Planning system including:

  1. Streamlining the planning system by creating new Growth, Renewal and Protected Areas
  2. Simplifying the role of Local Plans, speeding up their production, and amending examination tests
  3. Developing of a more streamlined, digitised, technology based, democratic plan-making system.
  4. Planning for more beautiful and sustainable places that deliver high quality developments that also  mitigate  and adapt to climate change.
  5. The instruction of a new Infrastructure Levy

The Dedham Vale and Suffolk Coast & Heaths Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty team have prepared a response to the consultation which you can view here.

For more information, please contact AONB Planning Officer Beverley McClean MRTPI at [email protected].

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